DIOCESE OF KABANKALAN - On the feast day of the Holy Cross, Most Rev. Patricio A. Buzon, SDB,DD, launched the diocesan campaign for Spirituality of Stewardship. This campaign was conceived for almost a year. The priests deeply reflected on this spirituality through various retreats and recollections in the past year.
The Spirituality of Stewardship was also the theme of the last year's Misa de Gallo and many of the parishes adopted this theme as in the novenas of their feasts.
On the same day, the celebration of the Catechetical Month was started and will end up on the last day of October.
According to Bishop Buzon, a steward is a follower of Christ and he acknowledges that all graces are gifts given to him and use them to build the body of Christ and Christian faith is one of the priceless gifts in our life and as stewards, we are called to be grateful for this precious gift and be generous to share it with our fellowmen.
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