- Wednesday Forum on Air (every Wednesday at 4-5 pm )
- Ang Aton Simbahan (every Thursday at 4-5 pm )
I have listened to these programs and I assure you, they are very interesting and informative.
I have listened to these programs and I assure you, they are very interesting and informative.
Diocese of Kabankalan - Kabankalan Catholic College hosted a seminar on lesson planning on mission awareness last May 7, 2008. This seminar is one of the many seminars conducted by the Columban Missionaries in order to help teachers in Catholic schools integrate mission awareness in their lessons. Principals and teachers from all over the Catholic schools in the diocese, headed by the chairman of the Diocesan Education Commision (DEC) Bro. Rod Elliard of the Christian Brothers, attended the seminar. The seminar commenced with video presentations of missionary works around the world. Fr. Donald Kill, chairman of the mission awareness program of the Misionary Society of St. Columban, was the keynote speaker. He emphasized the importance of integraing mission awareness in the subjects taught in the Catholic schools, not only in Religion Education but also in every subject offered. Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC), another major concern in the missions was briefly yet comprehensively discussed in the seminar by Mr. Jack Pamine, a Columban partner in mission. In this topic, teachers and students are encouraged to take part in building a concerned community of people and taking good care of Mother Nature. Multimedia and electronic resources such as CDs, VCDs, and websites were introduced in lesson planning. With the use of these materials, lessons would be more alive and suitable to the active mind of the students. The participants of the seminar were very grateful for having attended. According to them, they had renewed their strength and upgraded their tools in carrying on their part in the world missions through their humble classrooms.